Palestinian Land Day

Shades of Anger, March 30, 2024

March 30, 2024

Today, March 30, is Palestinian Land Day. This year, Land Day is occurring during a human-oppressor-caused famine in Palestine.

LEARN. Learn about Palestinian Land Day here and here.

NOTICE. Imagine your neighbor walking up to your home, standing outside of your house with a determined group of armed people, banging on your door, and telling you to leave because they are taking your home. Now imagine if that same group organized to expel every one of your family members and friends from their homes in a coordinated action. What emotions come up for you? What do you think Palestinians feel when they remember - not imagine - this happening?

ACT. Search “Palestinian Land Day” with the name of your city to find out what actions are happening today in your region. Support and attend these actions alone or with a friend.

SHARE. Forward this email to at least 5 friends, family members or colleagues, with an urgent plea to learn and act alongside you. Make your forward more effective by including information about what you learned by taking this action today.

ASK. What gaps do you have in your historical knowledge about Palestine? We want to hear from you. Reply to this email or leave a comment to tell us. We’re here to help.

In solidarity for liberation on Palestinian Land Day,

Kay Coughlin, on behalf of the Shades of Anger collective

P.S. Have you signed up for our weekly Shades of Anger online sessions to activate you to be an advocate for Palestine? It’s urgent - please sign up today!

Shades of Anger was created by a global collective of women to raise awareness and inspire action to free Palestine. We also believe in liberation for Sudan, the Congo, Haiti, and all places where systems of oppression are causing immense suffering and crushing the life out humans. We are led by women of the Global Majority/BIPOC. Shades of Anger is for everyone who wants to act for liberation and you can learn more about it here.

Image description: An off-white background. In the centre of the image, in black text, the text reads, “Shades of Anger, Becoming the ‘Ally’ You Already Think You Are.” Bright green shapes/accents are in two corners of the image.


or to participate.