Visualizing Palestine

Shades of Anger, March 29, 2024

March 29, 2024

Every single day is always a good day to take action for the Palestinian people. Here are our recommendations for today.

LEARN. Get shareable visuals and infographics on Palestine, with historical context, at “Visualizing Palestine 101,” here.

Screenshot of a page from "Visualizing Palestine 101" featuring a range of infographics about Palestine with a historical context. Go to the linked resources to access the individual resources

Image credit:

FYI, this is just one of the dozens of fantastic resources featured on this info board, created by Shades of Anger leader Animah Kosai - see the entire board here (password: FreePalestine).

NOTICE. What is it about visual resources that help you articulate challenging information? What’s one fact you will remember from the page we are recommending today?

ACT. Choose one of the visualizations from the resource we shared today. Save it or screenshot it and talk to at least one other person about the impact it has on you. Reply to this email to tell us how it goes.

SHARE. Forward this email to at least 5 friends, family members or colleagues, with an urgent plea to learn and act alongside you.

ASK. What questions do you have for our international Shades of Anger collective? Is there information or a resource you’re wondering about for your own community? Reply to this email or leave a comment to tell us. We’re here to help.

In solidarity for liberation for Palestine,

Kay Coughlin, on behalf of the Shades of Anger collective

P.S. Have you signed up for our weekly Shades of Anger online sessions to activate you to be an advocate for Palestine? It’s urgent - please sign up today!

Shades of Anger was created by a global collective of women to raise awareness and inspire action to free Palestine. We also believe in liberation for Sudan, the Congo, Haiti, and all places where systems of oppression are causing immense suffering and crushing the life out humans. We are led by women of the Global Majority/BIPOC. Shades of Anger is for everyone who wants to act for liberation and you can learn more about it here.

Image description: An off-white background. In the centre of the image, in black text, the text reads, “Shades of Anger, Becoming the ‘Ally’ You Already Think You Are.” Bright green shapes/accents are in two corners of the image.


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