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  • Risks for Businesses complicit in violence in the West Bank

Risks for Businesses complicit in violence in the West Bank

Shades of Anger, March 25, 2024

March 25, 2024

Always remember: YOU can take action every day to help liberate Palestine. Here are our recommendations for today.

LEARN. U.S. businesses whose activities support the ongoing violence against Palestinians in the West Bank - including doing business with entities who may be complicit in the violence - may be facing sanctions.* Please see this article by Jacqueline Horani, attorney and team member of the Shades of Anger collective.

Black square with text that reads, "Hey [Fill in the Blank]! Are you sure you're not about to be sanctinoned by the U.S. govt??? On Feb 1, 2024 Biden issued Exec Order 14115 authorizing sanctions againt those engaging in settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank"

Image credit: Legally Unconventional/Jacqueline Horani

NOTICE. What organizations are you involved in - your job, professional associations, favorite chain restaurants and clothing stores, places of worship, etc. - that could be doing business in a way that is complicit in violence in the West Bank?

ACT. Send a copy of the article by Jacqueline Horani to executives (CEO, COO, and heads of HR, risk assessment, legal, etc.) at the organizations that are a part of your life to make them aware of the risks they are facing.

Image descripton: Black square with text that reads, "Time to use your voice to demand the companies you're invested in; the schools you attend(ed); & your employer; are taking proactive measures to reduce their risks of sactions & SAY NO to being complicit in supporting settler violence in the West Bank! Re: Executive Order 14115, February 1, 2024

Image credit: Legally Unconventional/Jacqueline Horani

SHARE. Forward this email to business executives and anyone who might have influence with those executives. Tell them you want them to be aware of the risks they may be facing according to the executive order cited in the article.

*ASK. Today’s topic is an answer to a question from a member of our reader community. What questions do you have about how to take meaningful action for the liberation of Palestine? Reply to this email to tell us and we’ll try to find information to help you.

In solidarity for liberation for Palestine,

Kay Coughlin, on behalf of the Shades of Anger collective

Shades of Anger was created by a global collective of women to raise awareness and inspire action to free Palestine. We also believe in liberation for Sudan, the Congo, Haiti, and all places where systems of oppression are causing immense suffering and crushing the life out humans. We are led by women of the Global Majority/BIPOC. Shades of Anger is for everyone who wants to act for liberation and you can learn more about it here.

Image description: An off-white background. In the centre of the image, in black text, the text reads, “Shades of Anger, Becoming the ‘Ally’ You Already Think You Are.” Bright green shapes/accents are in two corners of the image.


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