Global Actions TODAY

Shades of Anger, April 15, 2024

April 15, 2024

LEARN. Today’s action is URGENT! There is a global strike for Gaza and a coordinated global economic blockade to free Palestine taking place on TODAY, April 15. Learn about the strike Home - Strike4Gaza and the blockade here.

Image: a screenshot from A15EconomicBlockade website. Light brown background with text in black that reads, "Monday, April 15; The global economy is complicit in genocide. Join participating cities in blocking the arteries of capitalism and jamming the wheels of production."

Image: A15EconomicBlockade

A poster from Strike4Gaza. Image of person wearing a kuffiyeh and shouting into a megaphone, ona black background. The text reads, "April 15, Strike for Gaza, No work, No school, No spending, #Strike4Gaza,


NOTICE. What do you need to do to reschedule anything in your life today to participate in the strike and blockade (if one is happening in your city)?

ACT. If a blockade action is happening anywhere near you, participate! Join the strike today, which you can do in your own home or community.

SHARE. Right now, forward this email to five people you know. And share information about the strike and blockade - on social media, in texting groups, with your town councils and parenting groups! Invite everybody you know to participate with you.

ASK. What are three ways you can get information out about the strike and blockade today? Reply to this email to let us know.

On strike today towards liberation for Palestine,

Kay Coughlin, on behalf of the Shades of Anger collective

Join the weekly Shades of Anger online community meeting on Wednesdays, here.

Shades of Anger was created by a global collective of women to raise awareness and inspire action to free Palestine. We also believe in liberation for Sudan, the Congo, Haiti, and all places where systems of oppression are causing immense suffering and crushing the life out humans. We are led by women of the Global Majority/BIPOC. Shades of Anger is for everyone who wants to act for liberation and you can learn more about it here.

Image description: An off-white background. In the centre of the image, in black text, the text reads, “Shades of Anger,” with a quote from Fatima Bernawi below that reads, “Palestinians do not know the meaning of the word impossible.” Below that, the text reads, “Why should we?” On the right is a photo with a sign that reads, “Amplify your voice”


or to participate.