Divestment Resources

Shades of Anger, May 30, 2024 post

May 30, 2024

Good morning. Remember that divesting away from businesses that support the genocide in Palestine is a choice YOU can make - and it will hit in their wallets, where it hurts the most!

LEARN. Here is a very high-level overview of resources that are available to help you divest from companies that invest in or help the Israeli government or illegal settlements in Palestine:

  • BDS Movement, see website here - if you want to stop giving your money or time in a meaningful way immediately, simply stop doing business with these organizations right now (also see image below). BDS encourages everyone to get involved in boycotts that will make the most difference in your nation.

    • See the FAQs (frequently asked questions) for the quickest way to learn more, and be sure to look at the bottom half of the FAQs, called “Responding to common arguments against BDS.”

  • AFSC’s (American Friends Service Committee) divestment resources, website here - while this is an organization based in the U.S., the information and tools are applicable globally. You can look up individual companies, organizations and investment funds on their Investigate website, here.

    • Note: if you really want to make sure that organizations divest from Israeli support, the important thing to do is establish a socially responsible (including apartheid-free) investment policy. Since investment managers buy and sell investments all the time, it’s not a good use of resources to try to figure out which funds any organization is invested in on any given day, since it can change at any moment.

  • Use the Who Profits website, here, to search for companies operating or headquartered in your country who are involved in Israel’s regime of apartheid and settler-colonialism.

Image description: logo of the Who Profits Research Center

NOTICE. What do you feel and think about the idea and/or work of divesting from Israeli interests? Be honest with yourself.

ACT. Commit to boycotting 3 of the companies on the BDS list today:

Credit: BDS Movement. Image description: screenshot of the BDS recommended boycott list; click on the link to see the full list.

SHARE. Right now, send this email to 5 people or groups who can join you in boycotting immediately.

ASK. What support do you need in order to stick to your boycotting decisions? Please reply to this email (or, if you are reading this online, leave a comment below) to let us know.*

In solidarity for Palestinian liberation,

Kay Coughlin, on behalf of the Shades of Anger collective

P.S. Watch for more resources on divesting to come from us in the near future. We know it is absolutely critical to economic action immediately!

*You can also continue the conversation with us in the Speaking Up Network, a private social media platform co-created by Animah Kosai, one of the leaders of Shades of Anger.

Shades of Anger was created by a global collective of women to raise awareness and inspire action to free Palestine. We chose the name of our collective to honor the poem, “Shades of Anger,” by Palestinian-Canadian poet Rafeef Ziadah. We also believe in liberation for Sudan, the Congo, Haiti, and all places where systems of oppression are causing immense suffering and crushing the life out humans. We are led by women of the Global Majority/BIPOC. Shades of Anger is for everyone who wants to act for liberation and you can learn more about it here.

Image description: An off-white background. In the centre of the image, in black text, the text reads, “Shades of Anger,” with a quote from Fatima Bernawi below that reads, “Palestinians do not know the meaning of the word impossible.” Below that, the text reads, “Why should we?” On the right is a photo with a sign that reads, “Amplify your voice”

Image: On the left side is an off-white background with text in black that reads, “Shades of Anger; ‘Palestinians do not know the word impossible’ - Fatima Bernawi; So why should we?” On the right is an image of people gathering by a wall under a sign that reads, “Amplify your voice”


or to participate.