"How Children Starve" from Reuters

Shades of Anger, July 7, 2024

July 7, 2024

Today marks 9 months since the beginning of the most recent phase of the Israeli government’s occupation of and aggression against Palestinian people.

As of July 3, almost 38,000 Palestinians have been killed (since October 7), with over 30% of those being children. More than 87,000 injuries to Palestinians have been reported during these 9 months, as well. (Source: OCHA, here.)

LEARN. Read about the physiology of starvation in children in this illustrated article from Reuters, here.

A screenshot from the article cited in the paragraph above. Over a black background is the text, “MUAC screening data across Gaza since mid-January found more than 7,000 children aged 6 months to about 5 years were already acutely malnourished as of May 26, the United Nations humanitarian agency OCHA said. This is how that looks.” Under the text is an illustration of the circumference of a healthy mid-upper arm of a child, vs. a child’s arm with severe acute malnutrition; the top of a soda can is shown to give an idea of relative size. /

Credit: Reuters. Image description: embedded in text.

Throughout the article, the authors cite statistics about famine that is tragically also occurring in other nations across the world. In the bottom third of the article, there is a table showing the proportion of populations facing famine. Among the population of the Gaza Strip, at least half are struggling to survive amidst what is officially known as “catastrophe” or “famine,” the most serious of the official phases of starvation.

NOTICE. What emotions do you feel about knowing there is even a need to publish such an article, not mention reading it? Now add to that the knowledge that the famine in Gaza is being caused entirely by the actions of the Israeli government. Do you feel anger, shame, outrage, hopelessness, or something else?

ACT. Give the most generous gift you can to the UNICEF State of Palestine appeal, here. And, call your elected officials to express your outrage at the genocidal campaign being waged against Palestine by the Israeli government. (If you do not know the best way to reach your elected officials, please send us an email and we will help you find the information you need so you can take action.)

SHARE. Forward this to at least 10 friends, family members, colleagues, and people you know in the community, to help them understand and be able to tell others about the famine facing the children in Gaza.

ASK. What else would you like to know about the ongoing genocide in Gaza? Please reply to this email (or, if you are reading this online, leave a comment below) to let us know.*

In solidarity for Palestinian liberation,

Kay Coughlin, on behalf of the Shades of Anger collective

*You can also continue the conversation with us in the Speaking Up Network, a private social media platform co-created by Animah Kosai, one of the leaders of Shades of Anger.

Shades of Anger was created by a global collective of women to raise awareness and inspire action to free Palestine. We chose the name of our collective to honor the poem, “Shades of Anger,” by Palestinian-Canadian poet Rafeef Ziadah. We also believe in liberation for Sudan, the Congo, Haiti, and all places where systems of oppression are causing immense suffering and crushing the life out humans. We are led by women of the Global Majority/BIPOC. Shades of Anger is for everyone who wants to act for liberation and you can learn more about it here.

Alt text: On the top half is a grey background with black text that reads "Shades of Anger 'Palestinians do not know the word impossible' - Fatima Bernawi, So why should we?" On the bottom half are three photos. The first is a photo of an adult with short greyy hair holding the hand of a young child, who is holding up a Palestinian flag high in their other hand, while standing on a hill overlooking a field of people and cars. The second is a black and white photo of a person with a long ponytail, holding a kuffiyeh and chanting at a protest. The last is a person wearing a kuffiyeh around their head, and a black and red dress, looking at the camera while holding up a Palestinian flag and a peace sign.

Alt text is embedded in image


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